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Prayers to God the Father

As composed by Mother Eugenia and 

with Church Approval

You will find the following Prayers Below

1. "God is My Father", which can also be recited

as a Novena Prayer.

This is a very special prayer.

2. Rosary to God the Father 

This is a most beautiful Rosary that recalls the great works of God.

3. Litany to God the Father

God Is My Father
“My Father in Heaven, how sweet and delightful it is to know that You are my Father and I am Your child!
Above all when there is darkness in my soul and my cross seems too heavy to bear, I feel the need to repeat: Father, I believe in Your Love for me!
Yes, I believe: You are a real Father to me at every moment of my life and I am Your child!
I believe: You love me with in nite Love!
I believe: You watch over me day and night; not a hair can fall from my head without Your consent!
I believe: You, being In nitely Wise, know better than I, what is useful to me!
I believe: You, being Omnipotent, can bring forth good even out of bad!
I believe: You, being In nitely Good, turn everything to the advantage of those who love You; even under the hands that strike me, I kiss Your healing hand!
I believe: ...but increase in me Faith, Hope and Love!
Teach me to see always Your Love as a guide in every event of
my life.
Teach me to abandon myself to You like a baby in its mother’s arms. Father, You know all, You see everything, You know me better than I know myself. You can do everything and You love me!
My Father, since it is Your wish that we always call on You in our needs, I come with trust to ask You, together with Jesus and Mary: ......... (ask for the grace desired).
For this intention, in union with the holy Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I o er You all my prayers, sacri ces and morti cations, all my actions and a greater faithfulness towards my duties.*

Grant me the light, the grace and the power of the Holy Spirit! Strengthen me in this Spirit so that I may never lose Him, never grieve Him nor weaken His voice in me.

My Father, it is in the Name of Jesus, Your Son, that I ask You for this. O Jesus, I ask You to open Your Heart! Put my heart into Yours and o er it, together with the Heart of Mary, to our Divine Father. Obtain for me the grace which I need!
Divine Father, call all people to Yourself. Let the whole world proclaim Your Paternal Goodness and Your Divine Mercy!
Be my tender Father and protect me always as the apple of Your eye. Grant that I shall be always a worthy child of Yours. Have mercy on me!

Divine Father,
sweet hope of our souls,
may You be known, loved and honoured by all mankind!

Divine Father,
in nite goodness poured out over all the peoples, may You be known, loved and honoured by all mankind!

Divine Father,
bene cent dew of humanity,
may You be known, loved and honoured by all mankind! Amen.”

* If you recite this prayer as a Novena add during the prayer a er ‘...greater faithfulness towards my duties’ the following sentence:
“I promise You to be generous, especially in these nine days, on such circumstances... with that person...”

+ Jean Card. Verdier Archbishop of Paris 8. May 1936

+ Msgr. Girard, Vic. Apost. Cairo, Egypt, 9. Oct. 1935

Whoever receives a grace through the intercession of Mother Eugenia E. Ravasio, is asked to communicate it to the following address: Missionarie “Unitas in Christo ad Patrem”
Via del Cinema, 16I – 00040 Anzio (Rome) 

Rosary to God the Father

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

(V)O God, come to our assistance.

(Response) Lord, make haste to help us.

Glory be 

Our Father, my Father,

You are really my great God!


Prayers for Each Decade:

On the large beads  “Our Father”


On the ten smaller beads:

“Father, be our Father / now and forever” 


To conclude the decade:

 After the usual “Glory Be” we say  

Our Father, my Father, You are really my great God!”


1st  Mystery - we meditate on the splendour of the Father’s Love in the work of Creation: “God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good” (Gen 1:31).


2nd Mystery - We meditate the immense Mercy of the Father in the work of Redemption: “... this is how the Father loved the world: He gave his only Son” (Jn 3:16).

3rd Mystery - we meditate upon the magnificence of the Father who,  having created man free in his design of Love, continues to respect his freedom although he misuses it. Mary has agreed to the Will of the Father and so she realized human Freedom to its maximum. United to the Blessed Virgin we say: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Be it done to me according to thy word.”


4th Mystery – we meditate the triumph of the Father’s Love when we agree to His Will:  “This is my Son, the Beloved; he enjoys my favour.  Listen to him.”-  “…. To those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God,…” (Mt 17:5; Jn 1:12; 1Jn 3:1).


5th Mystery – we meditate the victory of the Father in the suffering of daily life, in the suffering of forgiveness, in the suffering of death.  “If we are united to Christ in the suffering of this present life, then we shall be raised together with Him.  In fact, all that we suffer in the present time is nothing in comparison with the Glory which is destined to be disclosed to us,….and now I confer a kingdom on you, just as my Father conferred on me.’

Litany to God the Father


O God Father of Heaven                            Have Mercy on us

O God the Son, Redeemer of the world

O God the Holy Spirit

Holy Trinity, one God

Father Creator of the world

Father propensor of the world

Father eternal wisdom

Father infinite kindness

Father inexpressible providence

Father source of every good

Father most holy

Father most lovable

Father of infinite mercy

Father our defender

Father our love

Father our light

Father our joy and our glory    

Father rich for all creatures

Father who may triumph on all nations

Father splendour of the Church

Father hope of Christians

Father defeater of the idols

Father wisdom of the rulers

Father magnificence of kings

Father consolation of the peoples

Father joy of the priests

Father guide of mankind

Father gift of family life

Father help of the miserable

Father happiness of virgins

Father guide of youth

Father friend of the little

Father freedom of slaves

Father Light of those in darkness

Father destruction of the proud

Father wisdom of the upright

Father rest in tribulations

Father hope in desolation

Father refuge of salvation for the desperate

Father consolation of the poor

Father port of salvation in every danger

Father peace and protection

Father consolation of the afflicted

Father refuge of the orphans

Father peace of the aged

Father refuge of the dying

Father who quench the thirst in our poverty

Father Life of the dead Father Glory of the Saints


Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world

Spare us, o Lord!

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world

Graciously hear us o Lord!

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world

Have mercy on us!

Let us pray


Infinitely good and merciful Father, it is Your ardent desire to extend Your kingdom of Love in the hearts of all men, Your children, for Your joy and their happiness. We pray You so that this Will of Yours: to be known, loved and honoured by all mankind, be fulfilled; and that our families be united in Your Peace. We ask You this through Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Lord, through the prayers of His ever blessed Virgin Mother Mary in her glory and through the intercession of all Saints. Amen.




wherever I go I find You;

wherever I look I see You;

wherever I search for You, You are there

wherever I talk to You, You answer me;

wherever I pray to You, You listen to me

wherever,  You are my One and All

wherever I meet You I love You.

© 2022 by Combined Societies of Mary

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